All materials, content, services or offerings are for general purposes only, and if used, it is at the discretion of the user. Content provided on this website and through the services of MariannePatricia is not intended to be a substitution of any advice from a person's healthcare professional, healthcare provider, counsellor or mental health expert. Anyone under the age of 18 years must seek approval by their parent, legal guardian or suitable caregiver if they wish to engage, participate or purchase any program, service or offering.
Declaration of Understanding
MariannePatricia’s approach for wellness and well-being is an alternative and holistic, spiritually-based methodology, integrated within the categories of her certifications. She is recognized as a Certified Coach and does not claim to be a registered counsellor, nutritionist, a medical professional or any other expert of designation within the collective health care profession.
MariannePatricia does not diagnose or treat conditions, or prescribe for medical conditions, nor does she perform any act that would constitute medical practice. Anyone seeking medical advice, medical treatment or who is in medical crisis is responsible for contacting their own medical / health care physician and/or health care professional.
MariannePatricia uses a variation of metaphysical modalities for spiritual healing and teachings. Her work is not a replacement for any therapy or a substitution for any medical treatment, advice from your health care professional, counsellor or other mental health professional. It is thereby the personal responsibility of each individual to continue with on-going treatments or therapies as directed by their primary health care provider.
MariannePatricia does not and cannot guarantee personal results through the application of inspirational information, coaching tools and strategies, spiritual practices and concepts, and/or modalities. It is understood that personal results vary from person to person.
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